
Ruuによって構成され、そのダイナミックな振りと構成力、溢れ出すパッションでロサンゼルスで開催された世界大会『WORLD OF DANCE』で2016年2017年と2年連続優勝し世界一に。各ダンサーはそれぞれ多くのコンテストで目覚ましい結果を残し続けるスーパーダンスクルー。

Created with dynamic Choreography and Overflowinng passion FabuloussisSisters has won World of Dance Finals 2016 and 2017 tow consecutive years in a row with the highest point in history along with the title world champion.Each Dancer has won many awards in many other contests also.We are one of the Super Dance Crew that leads the dance scene.